How to get your business discovered
Oct 01, 2023
How to get your business discovered
Are you looking to get more leads to your website? Want more customers through the front door or clients on your books?
There are two main ways to bring in new business, one is through word of mouth and the other is to be highly visible.
Word of Mouth
The most effective way to generate new business is through word of mouth. It could come from an acquaintance, friend or family member who recommends you in an informal situation. A person may ask, do you know anyone that can....fill in the blank. Those that know what you do, will hopefully mention you, speak favourably and share your details.
The person receiving the recommendation may feel a sense of familiarity and comfort dealing with you, because a recommendation increases the know and like factor.
So how do you get people to recommend you?
Make sure your inner circle, your friends and family know and understand what you do, so when somebody does ask around, you come top of mind.
In Tourism, it is common practice to host a "famil", a familiarisation allows industry people to see and experience your product. You invite people to your business, provide a tour or even offer a FOC (Free of Charge) experience so they understand first hand.
So before you go spending money on advertising, consider creating a version of a "famil" tailored to your industry. Offer a VIP or friends / family experience or mates rates and share a special price list with them. You might give people a free sampler or mini version of what you do or sell. An investment that can pay for itself many times over.
People who know you want to support you, so keep them informed!
In Business
A referral is usually from somebody who has done business with you and was satisfied with your product or service. This could mean the referring person might be on an affiliate program or reward incentive with you. Businesses may collaborate and endorse their preferred supplier. This type of word of mouth is very powerful if the person providing the referral is respected and their opinion is valued.
Members, clients or customers who share what they love about you and send referrals are one of your greatest assets in business. Consider how you're acknowledging their support because these raving fans are your champions for growth. Remember to ask for testimonials!
There are some great online programs which help you capture video testimonials and reviews.
Here are my pick
Send Spark
App Sumo currently has a life time offer for Bonjoro Testimonials where you can capture video and text testimonials. This deal is a $49 (save 80%) lifetime so no ongoing monthly subscriptions. This will be a limited time offer with App Sumo. I am not sponsored in anyway, just sharing helpful tech tips.
Raving fans
Recognise and reward people who not only have the highest spend but who consistently spend with you. You could send new product samples to these people as a gift to say thank you. Raving fans may also be the people commenting on your social media and watching from the sidelines. How do you currently thank your raving fans when they refer somebody?
Be Visible
Marketing is no longer about who has the best product or service, it’s about who talks the loudest.
Having a highly visible brand has never been easier and more affordable than it is today. Through the power of the internet, social media and video, a business can promote themselves anywhere in the world, anytime they like.
Your brand power is established by how you're perceived. Are you recognised as the place to go or an authority in your industry. When starting out, being highly visible in person and online is important if you want to be top of mind and build prominence in your field.
Developing brand awareness requires consistency to show up even when no one is listening. Because people may not be in the market for what you offer all the time, but when they are… they'll think of you.
Equally, existing customers need constant updates that you're still around. They need reminders of what you offer, because when someone else begins talking about the things you do, you want their loyalty to stay with you.
Content marketing is an incredibly powerful way to build and maintain awareness. It’s being consistent in showing up and sharing valuable information, inspiration or entertainment that keeps you top of mind.
People may not be in the market today for what you do. However when they are, you will be the first person they come to or recommend.
Attending networking events, guest speaking or presenting can help build your brand power by increasing visibility.
Being seen in the right places with the right people can have a massive impact on your business especially when shared on social media. Think about when you witness people of influence use a particular brand.
It could be as subtle as sitting around a dinner table and notice the host pouring a certain wine or it could be your favourite podcaster using a specific microphone brand. They may not be selling that item, however subliminally you perceive that brand to be of higher value because of who is using it.
Here are some ways to get discovered and stay top of mind
- Develop a content marketing strategy to be seen and heard
- Recognise your raving fans
- Show up consistently on social media
- Create a referral program
- Review your visual collateral and assets. Are they on brand and up to date?
- If you have a physical business make sure you have prominent signage
- Host or attend networking events.
- Initiate collaborations with other complementary businesses and consider an affiliate program to reward your biggest referrers.
- Reach out to people of influence in your industry
If you would like to know more about how to become more visible and leverage your word of mouth influence, book a FREE discovery call with me ⬇️
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