Content Catalyst Video Challenge 22nd - 25th October

Turn 1 TOPIC into 8 Video Ideas

If you're like 95% of us in business, coming up with new ways to talk about the same thing can be exhausting.

But here's a trick I have used in marketing when creating content about the same topic day in day out...but with a different perspective.

Here's how you can turn 1 topic into 8 different video ideas.

I take one TOPIC from my CONTENT CATEGORIES, and then deliver the information with a different approach. Get my Cheat Sheet: Turn 1 TOPIC into 8 Video Ideas -

There are 8 key approaches you can take to provide your audience with insights on how you help them. 

  1. Mistakes: People love knowing they're not the only ones messing up.
  2. Tips: Throw some knowledge bombs their way. Education is valuable content.
  3. Tutorials: Show them how it's done. Be their guide.
  4. Systems: Share your lazy... I mean, efficient ways of doing things.
  5. Storytelling: Take them on a journey. Make it personal or showcase a client's transformation.
  6. Behind the...
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Why I'm moving to YouTube

Long-Form Content Strategy: Working Smarter. Not Harder

As business owners, we often find ourselves juggling day-to-day operations with marketing efforts. Recently, I audited my marketing activities, including social media platforms, and I'm excited to share my revised content marketing strategy with you. 

Last year, I launched my podcast, Content Catalyst, which transformed my content creation process. Initially hesitant due to time constraints, I discovered that podcasting actually streamlined my workflow. It forced me to be more thoughtful about overarching topics and content categories, making repurposing content much easier. 

The Benefits of Long-Form Content

After spending hours on short-form content like Instagram reels, I realised the immense value of focusing on long-form content. Here are three key benefits:

  1.  Deeper audience connections: Long-form content allows you to provide more detailed insights, establishing your credibility and authority in your...
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How to create content that converts

12 Steps to Skyrocket Your Business Growth

In today's digital landscape, content marketing isn't just a buzzword—it's the lifeblood of business growth. Yet, as a marketing strategist who's worked with countless small businesses, I've noticed a troubling trend: many are creating content that fails to convert. It's time for a wake-up call.

Let's face it: the rules of the game have changed. With the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT and Perplexity, the way people search for information has fundamentally shifted. Google is no longer the only gatekeeper of information, and businesses that fail to adapt risk becoming irrelevant.

But here's the good news: with the right strategy, you can create content that not only resonates with your audience but also drives real business results. Here's how:

Cracking the Content Code

First, align your content with your business goals. It's not enough to create content for the sake of it. Every piece should serve a purpose, whether that's building your...

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Building a 7-Figure Online Empire: Insights from Tina Tower

ai business marketing Sep 17, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of digital entrepreneurship, few have mastered the art of building a successful online business quite like Tina Tower. As the founder of Her Empire Builder, a program dedicated to helping women scale their online businesses, I recently interviewed Tina on my Content Catalyst Podcast. 

Here is a summary of the episode.

The Evolution of Online Business

Tina's journey began in 2020 when she launched Her Empire Builder. What started as a small group of 32 members quickly grew to over 100 within a year. Today, Her Empire Builder is a thriving community of 200 members, generating nearly $2 million in annual revenue.

One of the key factors in Tina's success has been her focus on customer results. "I am very obsessed about customer results," she says. "I wanted everyone that came in to get good results."

Adapting to the Changing Digital Landscape

The digital landscape has changed dramatically since 2020, and Tina has had to adapt her strategies accordingly.


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Create a sales video that converts

sales video Aug 07, 2024

Create a Sales Video That Converts

I've spent year creating sales videos to drive incredible sales results and have learnt what works and what doesn't. 

Crafting a sales videos that drive conversions requires a formula to engage your audience, spark curiosity, develop interest and drive action.

As a seasoned marketing strategist and video coach, I've experienced first hand the power of a well-crafted video so I'm going to share the essential elements and strategies to create high-impact sales videos that captivate your audience and drive results. 

The Significance of Sales Videos in the Buying Decision Process

Sales videos are crucial in today's digital landscape. They help potential customers understand the value of your product or service, making it easier for them to make informed decisions. Did you know that 87% of customers say that a video has helped them with their buying decision? That's a statistic you can't ignore! 

Four Essential...

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10 Ways to promote your business for free

10 Ways to Promote Your Business for Free: A Content Marketing Strategy Guide

When I first started my career I worked in advertising and I saw first hand how much people spent to promote their business.

Fast forward to today and we have the power to do this for free.

Here are 10 ways you can promote your business for free online.

1. Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok offer incredible opportunities to reach a global audience for free. You can create and share videos, posts, and stories to engage with your audience and build your brand.

2. Google My Business

Google My Business is a powerful yet under utilised tool. Setting up and regularly updating your Google Business page can significantly enhance your discoverability, especially for local searches. This free tool allows you to appear in local search results for events and on Google Maps, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

3. Email Marketing


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How to level up your zoom meetings

The Power of First Impressions: How to Level Up Your Zoom Meetings

Your appearance and environment shape people's first impression of you. Within just 7 seconds, others form opinions about your credibility and likability based solely on how you show up.

If you were meeting a client in person, you'd make an effort to suggest a professional meeting spot like a quiet cafe. You wouldn't dream of having that important discussion standing next to a smelly dumpster in a dark alley!

So why do many of us show up for Zoom meetings with less than ideal environments? When you jump on discovery calls, client coaching sessions, webinars or presentations over video, your setting and gear are making an impression - positive or negative.

Your credibility and likeability are enhanced or undermined by the subtle cues you're sending through your audio, lighting, background and more.

Here are 5 Mistakes to Avoid when presenting on zoom meetings or a video streams and tips on how to level up your...

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Comparison-itis: How to stop comparing yourself to others


When does motivation and inspiration turn into comparison-itis?

I love following creators and being part of business groups to inspire me and keep focused.

Healthy motivation and inspiration drives us to pursue our goals, realise our dreams and can fuel our desire to improve ourself. 

Comparison-itis can begin if we perceive people have more success than us, seem further along their business journey and we benchmark our progress again theirs.

Overcoming the Comparison Trap: How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

As a marketing strategist and video coach, I've seen how easy it is to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, especially in our digital world.

I have been effected by comparision-itis over the years in business when I see other people selling the same thing, in the same industry or offering a similar service. I can recall when I joined a business group and saw someone offering something similar to me how I began questioning my ability. It...

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Are you a Content Perfectionist?

content marketing Apr 21, 2024

Are you a content perfectionist?

Have you ever found yourself stuck in the perfectionism trap, endlessly tweaking your content until it's "just right"?  

Understanding Content Perfectionism:

You know what’s frustrating, you're making a reel, and you end up doing 20 takes of a single clip because it just wasn't quite right?

You spend hours editing a video to get the right music and text. 

How about re-recording your podcast because you forgot to include something? 

Is it taking you 3 hours to write a blog rather than 30 minutes?

You may be a Content Perfectionist

Content perfectionism is a desire to create flawless content, which might be fuelled by a hidden fear of criticism or failure. You may spend excessive amounts of time tweaking and refining your work, in pursuit of an unattainable “perfect” standard.

How does it differ from striving for excellence?

A high achiever may set the bar high and have massive goals, which they...

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How to create content that connects

content marketing Apr 01, 2024

As many business owners know, sharing content marketing is a vital activity to promoting your business. Yet it's so disheartening when you spend all day making podcast, email or social media only to hear crickets.

So how do you make content that resonate with your audience no matter how big or small your audience is. 

How do create content that connects?

A content marketing strategy gives you the foundation to understand your expectations which determine your focus. It helps you understand your audience and uncovers their needs, then it helps you tell a story that they resonate with.

Here are 3 things here to consider if you want to create content that connects;


Know your outcomes What you want to achieve? So mine this year - Credibility and Community.

To do that, I need to share educational and engaging interactive information. I have a Focus on weekly long form - YT Podcast Email blog THEN daily socials. Where last year my focus was on...

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Grow with Video Marketing is a membership for businesses wanting understand how to better use video in their marketing to connect with their customers and increase sales.

You get access to the most up to date essential education and techniques to help you build your business using video marketing strategies.