Content Catalyst Video Challenge 22nd - 25th October

How to create content that connects

content marketing Apr 01, 2024

As many business owners know, sharing content marketing is a vital activity to promoting your business. Yet it's so disheartening when you spend all day making podcast, email or social media only to hear crickets.

So how do you make content that resonate with your audience no matter how big or small your audience is. 

How do create content that connects?

A content marketing strategy gives you the foundation to understand your expectations which determine your focus. It helps you understand your audience and uncovers their needs, then it helps you tell a story that they resonate with.

Here are 3 things here to consider if you want to create content that connects;


Know your outcomes What you want to achieve? So mine this year - Credibility and Community.

To do that, I need to share educational and engaging interactive information. I have a Focus on weekly long form - YT Podcast Email blog THEN daily socials. Where last year my focus was on...

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Your audio is killing your content

Your audio is killing your content

If you’re in business, then in this digital age…like it or not you’re a content creator. Or at least you need to be if you want to maintain or grow your business.

That could be writing blogs or articles, recording a podcast, presenting a live stream on Linkedin or making an instagram reel. 

As a content creator you want to be creating the best quality material possible to reflect your brand and make it reusable. It’s vital then your audio and visual content is the best it can be.

People will watch lower quality video however they will tune out if your audio is poor quality.

So what are the best audio options when creating content?

I was working with a business years ago when I first started making videos for social media and we created a weekly live streamed segment. The first episode of the live stream had to be filmed outside and then it started raining. The topic we were talking about was really...

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7 Content Creation challenges and how to overcome them

If you're struggling to find time to create content as well manage day to day demands. You're not alone. I understand the frustrations of running a business, working on client projects and needing to maintain a consistent online presence.

Here are 7 common struggles and how to overcome them;

1) Finding Time:

Creating content to promote your business is a necessary part of business these days. Somehow though writing a blog or email, recording a podcast or making a video for social media doesn't seem as urgent as other things that can come up. Yet, the first thing I often hear from business owners is they wish it was busier with people through the door. The way to do this is by connecting with your audience regularly to stay top of mind.

Prioritise what content you will make based on potential impact on your business goals. One email can generate thousands of dollars while one instagram reel could land you a new client. Schedule time in your calendar to develop your content and...

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Repurposing Content Marketing


As a business owner, marketing seems to be on going cycle of promoting business to get more sales. It is vital to build awareness, generate website traffic and leads.

So how can you leverage your marketing activities to save time and money plus enhance your current marketing activities?

Content marketing provides helpful information that inspires educates and entertains potential customers and reminds existing clients who we are and what we do.

Content Marketing allows you to sell without being salesy and is an essential part of any modern day marketing strategy. 

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the development and distribution of relevant, useful information such as blogs, newsletters, white papers, social media posts, emails, videos, podcasts to current and potential customers.

By repurposing your content, you can amplify your message, extend the use of existing materials and save valuable time.

The importance of Repurposing Content

Repurposing your content...

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Why Vision Boards don't work

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2024

Why vision boards don’t work

Visualisation is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do, so let’s look at 3 reasons why a vision board may NOT work for you. 

“A dream without a plan is just a wish”.

Let’s explore If a vision board really does work? 

And if so how you can increase your success of manifesting your dreams and ambitions using a vision board.

What is a vision board?

It's a tool used to represent your wishes or goals. A vision board is a collage of images and words intended to act as inspiration or motivation. 

So here are 3 reason why a vision board isn’t working.


1 - Vision boards don’t work when they aren’t aligned to your everyday actions. 

On my 2024 vision board, I have a health related goal. Yet if I don’t set myself up for success by implementing strategies and habits to make this a reality then it won’t come to fruition no matter how much I aspire to fit into my size 8...

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12 Things about business I've learnt this year.

business Dec 06, 2023

Is it just me or do you also get to this time of year feeling like you've run a marathon and eagerly count down the holiday break?

There's something about that week in between Christmas and New Year, where you don't know what day it is and cocktails by the pool at any hour is acceptable.

It's also the time of the year that I'm planning out my 2024 strategy, writing down my dreams and goals.

I deeply reflect upon the year that was. I read back through last year's journals and planners and see how far I've come. What did I achieve and what did I learn?

This December, my business turns one and I wanted to share with you 12 things in business I've learnt this year.

Patience and discipline have been two keys things that have helped me launch and grow my business. The reality is most overnight successes took a long time to create. So with this in mind, everytime something hasn't worked or met my expectations. I tell myself, it's ok just try it a different way...

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Mapping out your 2024 Content Marketing

content strategy Nov 07, 2023



When do you begin mapping out the coming year and how detailed does your planning get?

Eleanor Roosevelt said "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan". 

From dreaming to planning

I have just returned from Fiji, where last week I attended a brand design mastermind. We had 4 incredible presenters. The first presenter was Kristina Karlsson of Kikki K stationary fame.

Who describes herself as a Global Dreaming Expert. I love dreaming, my greatest achievements all began with a wild crazy dream. So I loved her session which talked about how big can we dream.

What was so powerful though about this mastermind was after the dreaming session, the following 3 presenters Sarah Pirie-Nally, Nicole Hatherly and Shaynna Blaze help turn the dream and vision to life through planning. 

Strategy vs Plan

As a Marketing Strategist, I begin with a strategy which then helps me create a plan. A STRATEGY is the big...

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The Power of B-Roll Video: Boost Your Business for Free


Have you ever found yourself in a shop or a cafe and thought, "This place is awesome? How did I not know about this?" And then wondered why others also don't know about it? You probably have friends who offer amazing products or services, and you think to yourself, "People need to know about your product. They need to hear your story because it's awesome."

The Challenge of Visibility

Many great businesses struggle because people simply don't know about them. Let's explore  how you can overcome this challenge and elevate your business. I began my career in media advertising and witnessed many businesses spent a fortune on advertising to build brand awareness, but now you have the power to do it yourself for free.

The Investment of Your Time

I understand that you may feel you don't have time for marketing. We all have those days when we're busy but not productive. Think about those moments when you're scrolling through your phone or attending unnecessarily long meetings....

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Editing Video for Social Media

editing video marketing Oct 11, 2023

Editing Video for Social Media

Whether you are creating video content for Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube, and LinkedIn, good editing can either connect you to your audience or make them scroll away.

It can be time-consuming and frustrating when you need to edit content and you need to edit it quickly because you want to get the video out there.  There are so many updates with platforms these days, and it can be hard to know which is the best app or process. 

Fast Tracking Your Editing Process

As a video marketing coach and online course creator, I'm not only always creating content for myself but for my clients as well. So I wanted to take you through some of the ways that you can fast-track your editing process. But before we do, I just really wanted to touch on why editing is one of the most important things when it comes to content creation because it can really help you set the mood.

It can help you create emotion. It takes people down a journey and helps...

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How to get your business discovered

How to get your business discovered

Are you looking to get more leads to your website? Want more customers through the front door or clients on your books?

There are two main ways to bring in new business, one is through word of mouth and the other is to be highly visible.

Word of Mouth

The most effective way to generate new business is through word of mouth. It could come from an acquaintance, friend or family member who recommends you in an informal situation. A person may ask, do you know anyone that can....fill in the blank. Those that know what you do, will hopefully mention you, speak favourably and share your details.

The person receiving the recommendation may feel a sense of familiarity and comfort dealing with you, because a recommendation increases the know and like factor.

So how do you get people to recommend you?

Make sure your inner circle, your friends and family know and understand what you do, so when somebody does ask around, you come top of...

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Grow with Video Marketing is a membership for businesses wanting understand how to better use video in their marketing to connect with their customers and increase sales.

You get access to the most up to date essential education and techniques to help you build your business using video marketing strategies.